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10B- Elevator Pitch No. 1

Haha look at me I'm pretending I'm a CapITaLISt HO HO LOL GIvE mE MonEy I hATe EmPLoYeEs
Words? So there I am at work, tap tap tap, typing away at a computer. Sounds like a normal desk job right? It's a bit too normal. All I do is type up prescriptions digitally. Ten hours a day, four days a week. It's bad enough for me with ADHD, but with 500 employees on the floor doing this day in and day out, it can be pretty mind numbing for anyone. And I'm thinking to myself as I am working, that I felt like a robot, and not in a good way. Then it hit me. There's literally millions upon millions of these prescriptions entered and stored. And we have machine learning algorithms to take thousands of images and learn what's in them and export them to text or even a new image. What I'm saying is why don't we literally let a robot take my job? Walgreens would be saving by not having to employ 500 monkeys at typewriters. What could go wrong with the employees anyway? No true CaPitAlISt would care about the welfare of people anyway! This project will see companies like Walgreens and CVS that rely on centralization get thousands of prescriptions instantly processed, drastically reducing handle time for getting prescriptions to patients. On top of that, the extra training data of those messy doctor handwritings could help AI become MUCH more advanced at recognizing handwriting, even cursive! I'm talking about advances in the shipping industry, handwriting to digital copy scanners, and with the help of translation services, you can finally understand what that Russian cursive is actually saying! With the rapid increase of AI technology and its uses, it's the next big wave we can surf and ride to many beaches. And all it takes is using data entry images and transcriptions to feed into an algorithm, and boom, the pharmaceutical industry moves into the future. From prescriptions to transcriptions, while we're far from a real Baymax, artificial intelligence is the next big thing and the pharmaceutical industry should ride that wave while they can.


  1. Fractal,

    You're elevator pitch was well put together and was very informative. You did a great job of explaining how typing prescriptions digitally can be tedious for human work. Then, you transitioned to the perspective of artificial intelligence and how it has the power to do the job that many employees are doing on a daily basis. The work of typing in pharmaceutical prescriptions has the potential to be replaced by the work of AI. This presents a great opportunity for pharmaceutical companies to create a more efficient way to type in prescriptions digitally.


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